
Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Christmas is here already!!

Christmas is in 4 days!! OMG I still am not ready. I can't believe how fast the last two months have gone by. I feel like it was just Halloween.

Things are going along pretty smoothly. Kylie is almost done with chemo. Only 7 more treatments. I am so glad its almost over! Even though its done its not really done! There will be lots more scans, and checkups and MRI's every 3 months for 2 years. We also wonder about long term effects of all of this poison that has been pumped into my little girl. All we can do is move forward and be thankful that this part of our journey is almost over.

Savanna is doing well she is on her last 2 months of med. The poor kid has been on antibiotics for a year now. It is amazing what a little bite from a tick can do. This last med she is on could permanently stain her teeth. But the way i figure it is if that's the worst then we can always bleach her teeth when she get older. I truly hope this works and that it will be the end of Lyme disease.

Mikey is doing great. Hes the happiest boy! He is a good sleeper and LOVES to eat.
He has the best giggle. I feel so blessed to have him in my life. He makes our family complete.

So as we get ready for the holiday in a couple of days, I look forward to spending time with family, introducing Mikey to family, and I am excited to see the smiles on the kids faces Christmas morning. We are so thankful that we get to spend this holiday together. That's what its really all about.
Well enough for now. I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas, take time to enjoy this time our kids will only be small for such a short time and these are the memories they will carry with them through out their life.

Merry Christmas!!!


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