
Saturday, June 12, 2010

A more self sufficient life!

The Simple Life!!

While hanging out at a friends house we were talking about eating organic, and using recycled plastic plates, and well going more green.
So they got me to thinking that Lately I have been wanting to try to change the way I live to become more green, a more self sufficient life , but I have to say it is not an easy process!! I wish I could just build a house in the middle of the woods and live off the land. (well ya know be able to go to the grocery store and get my food but live off the land the rest of the time.)
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I def. do all the easy things, recycle, have energy efficient light bulbs, i have been trying to hang dry my clothes sometimes. But it is a lot harder to do the big things. Like buy all green cleaners, eat organic, get rid of harmful plastics.

So my plan is to try to change one small thing at a time. On my list
- buy green cleaners (I do some but I want to buy more)
- buy more organic foods (we do have a garden which is doing really good this year, that's one thing)
- start using Homeopathic medicines
- try to make my own soap, candles
- use the solar panels my hubby is making ( yes he is the bomb and is making them!!)

I know this is a tall order but with the help of my fantastic friends ( Cristina and Miriam) They are already doing great things to go green and I want to be more like them LOL I think I can accomplish it!!! They know a lot more about this than I do so I will asking for info and help along the way, so be prepared!!!

I guess what I really want is a simple life for me and my kids. Now I'm not saying I want to live without electricity. I can't not have lights, TV, and the computer. Just a less stressful, more peaceful life. I just feel like now a days people's lives have gotten so far from what is important, its not all about how much or how many things people have. I hope that i can teach my kids to enjoy the simple things in life, and to enjoy everything this world has to offer.


Cristina said...

wooo, I love the new background! where did ya find it??

Kelly said...

thanks i found it right on blogger under template design, its a background.

Unknown said...

yeah- pretty hot blog lady! Love it- in 2 years I will start one too!

Unknown said...

I love the blog Kelly and am doing allot of the same things in my life. I've always tried to do what I can to help the earth - reuse, recycle, conserve, make smart choices, etc. I'd love to learn along with you and would love to try making soaps, home remedies etc. too. I buy recycled (even when it costs a little more- I use coupons whenever possible), organic and natural as much as I can, but for cleaning I use allot of white vinegar in place of commercial green products. Vinegar does SOOOO much! I love it. I look forward to keeping up with your blog and hope we can coodinate a camping trip soon.


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