
Monday, July 19, 2010

No more babies in my house:(

Today my baby turned 4 years old. I can't believe how fast it has gone by!! I am more than a little sad!!! She is not a baby anymore, she hasn't been for awhile but 4 seems like such a big kid. She will be starting preschool in the fall, and wants to take gymnastics, she is just going to be with me less and less :( I know I should be happy that she is well adjusted and happy and not afraid to do things without me but I wish i could freeze her this age forever!!

I feel like the past 2-3 years has gone by so fast. I am so thankful that I am able to stay home with my girls, so I don't miss anything I am with them ALL the time. I love it and wouldn't change a thing. Even though some days I could pull my hair out or need to have a drink after a hard day ;) I would do the same thing all over again. Maybe its time for another baby??? Not that Savanna or Kylie could be replaced with a new baby, but I miss the baby stage so much!!
I was looking at pictures of Savanna today when she was a baby my god I could just eat her up!!
So here is one picture from each year of Savanna's life up until now.

1 comment:

Cristina said...

I love her!
have another baby, you know you want to :)


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