What was your "oh no, I'm turning into my Mom/Dad" moment?
Probably when I hear myself saying things I swore I would never say, "Don't make me stop this car", "Do it because I said so" Please let me brush your hair so you don't look like a ragamuffin " Oh man thats scary !!!! I'm sure it will only get worse as my girls get even older.
What current commercial do you find the most annoying/funny?
I don' t have to watch too many commercials anymore with a DVR. So I cannot think of any right now.
If you could only eat one color food for the rest of your life what would it be?
I would probably say red that gives you some options, apples, strawberrys, pasta with red sauce, pizza with red sauce. Not sure if those last 2 would be cheating.
What is your current Facebook/Myspace/Twitter status?
Only on facebook and it currently says "can't wait to try brick oven pizza on the new outdoor fireplace, hope it comes out good"
F, Marry, Kill from this list below. Women pick from the men, men pick from the women.
I would have to say none. Justin Bieber is a cutie but a little to young for a 32 yr old. Regis is to old, and Perez Hilton wouldn't do it for me come on he totally swings for the other team.

Hi FOund you on Mingle Mondays! New follower.
Hi, I am your newest follower from MFM. Hope you can follow me back at http://megankayden.blogspot.com/
Hi Kelly, we are starting up Girl Scouts on the 23rd, I've been procrastonating planning our activities :) Maybe we can swap ideas sometime!
Hello! Thanks for linking up at MFM. I am now following you! Have a great week. Hope you'll come back next monday! www.livingonloveandcents.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/livingonloveandcents (there is a giveaway on my fb right now!)
Hi! Thanks for linking up with us for MFM. I'm returning your follow from The Thrifty Things.
I am your newest follower from Making Friends Monday :)!
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