
Thursday, August 26, 2010

My poor Dog!

We had my dog spayed 2 days ago, I know this is good for her health and will be better in the long run. But what a process. I felt so bad dropping her her.

I went and picked her up of course she was super excited to see me and the kids. She is a crazy dog lots of energy. But i figured oh she just had surgery she will want to rest. Yeah not so much! We weren't even home 10 minutes and she popped one of her stitches :( So back to the Vet we go. They put in 2 staples (ouch) and kept her for the day. I picked her up again and she wanted to be crazy still, so I did what anyone would do I drugged her. (its ok the vet said i could give her Benedryl to help her be a little sleepy) Put her in her crate and let her rest.

She did really well last night. We let her out after the kids went to bed and she just rested on the floor. This morning too she stayed out for a little bit but started to get worked up so back to the crate she went!!

This is a lot harder then I thought it would be. I will glad once she heals. I know thats sounds terrible but I hate seeing her like this. I just want it back to normal. Dogs are so much work.. I love her and shes part of our family but a lot of work.

Anyways enough of my complaining.

1 comment:

Cristina said...

poor Luna. I would drug her up too!


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