
Friday, March 18, 2011


Last Monday we were scheduled for 2 scans to be done at the hospital. She had a PET scan and a MRI. They were doing these 2 tests to see if it spread to any other areas of the body.
When we first got there I was overwhelmed by how big the hospital is and how many buildings. Take this elevator up then walk over this bridge then take the other elevator down. Geeze if I didn't have directions I would have been completely lost!

She needed to get injected with some low dose radioactive material for both tests so they put an IV in so she would only have to be stuck once. And she was very excited to see her favorite nurse (already) from Dr. Joes office. She had seen Kylies name on the list and came over especially for her so she could put the IV in. This made her feel so much better seeing a familiar face, even if she had only just met her. SO they inject her then she has to sit still for 1 hour. then she had the PET scan. This machine looked like something out of a science fiction movie. She just had to lay on a bed still and the bed went into the machine a little at a time. She did great with this test.
SO then we had about an hour before her next injection so we went and got lunch. She got the second injection and went for the MRI. I couldn't go in the room with her because of being pregnant, so Mike went with her. She came back from that test crying :( She DID NOT like it at all, they couldn't even finish the whole test. She hated being closed in and that the machine made so much noise!! She was def. glad when that was over and we got to go home. I was glad this was over. No the waiting would begin! We were praying they wouldn't find anything!!
When we got home there was a message on the answering machine from the drs office. I was like wow the results already. NO it was them telling me the Dr had scheduled 2 more scans for Wed. OH great more tests!!!!!
Tuesday night we got the call from the Dr. with the results THANK GOD they were clear it didn't look like it went anywhere else! We were so relieved!!!! Some good news. He also said he thought the test on Wed. would be just as great. What a sigh of relief!!
Wed. was fairly easy, went in for an injection had a CT chest done, waited around for an hour or so and had the bone scan done. She was such a trooper. Its amazing how well she taking all of this. The Dr. said he would call us with the results the following day.
So off to home we went. To my surprise my fabulous friend Jen had made a turkey for dinner and was coming over to drop it off. I couldn't believe it. How nice of her to think to do that. I have all ready seen so much kindness from my friends, whether it be watching savanna, giving her rides to school, making us dinner or just listening to me cry or talk :)
I have a feeling that we will never be able to repay all our family and friends for helping us through this!!!!!

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