I figured I would start blogging again so I could let friends and family know whats going on with us and with Kylie.
I'll start where i left off last post. Friday
We go to see the Pediatric Oncologist. Not sure how we got so lucky to find the Dr.s that we have but they are the best at what they do!!! everyone I talk to tells me we are in the best place we could be and have the best Dr. Hearing that is def. comforting. So we go to the office I am a nervous wreak trying to fill out the forms and waiting. The Staff is really great, they understand where you are coming from and have lots of patience with you.
The first thing they do is check her weight, and blood pressure and height. We had nurse Laura who Kylie immediately liked. Then we go into a room and a social worker came to talk to us. She was really nice. Then the Dr. came in. We had Kylie and my mom go play in the "play room" while we talked.
So he tells us that it was a tumor that was removed and its called Rhabdomyosarcoma. But it was fairly small and they caught it early and that she will get better!! THANK GOD I couldn't have asked for better news!!! Just hearing that from the Dr. made me feel a little better. My baby would get better! He went on to explain that she will need Chemotherapy and Radiation to make sure it doesn't come back. My heart sank I was secretly hoping that they got it all and maybe some medicine and we would be done. I guess that's not the road we get:( He tells us we need to go to the hospital for some scans on Monday to make sure it didn't spread to any where else in her body. Ok a lot to take in but ultimately the ending will be good, There is a light at the end of the tunnel.
So we go to get Kylie in the play room which is really the treatment room, Forgot to mention that she can get her chemo right at the dr.s office which is great no hospitals!!!! That will be much easier for her I think. We walk in and she is sitting in a chair with my mom just crying saying she wants to go home!! She is breaking my heart!!!!!!! There were 2 kids in the room hooked up to IV poles and playing. One of them had no hair. She was totally scared! Poor kid I don't' blame her she has no idea what is going on. How do explain to your 8 year old that that will be her soon :( I had no idea how to tell her. They then needed to get some blood. She hates needles, Oh boy this is going to be a very LONG road!
We get the blood with only a few tears and go home. I was actually in better spirits after that appointment I think the unknown is worse then dealing with it.
I still cannot believe this is now my life and I have to do this to my child!!! All I know is nothing is important now except getting Kylie better and keeping savanna and the new baby healthy. Amazing how quickly your priorities change in the blink of an eye. Nothing else matters but your family.
Thank God I have the husband I do He has been incredible so far!!! I can't imagine having to do this without him. I am also thankful for my extended family who i know will be there to help in any way that they can.
Next post I'll tell you about all the scans done at the hospital.
1 comment:
Oh my goodness Kelly... My thoughts and prayers are with you guys. You've got a strong little girl, and thank God for catching it early!
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