
Monday, May 23, 2011

Radiation is DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So today Kylie got to ring the gong! Signifying the end of her radiation treatments. Let me tell you what a GREAT feeling it was to see her wack that thing. It was a very emotional min for me and Mike. We both had tears coming down, even the women who runs the machine had tears in her eyes when she was hugging us all goodbye. The ladies who ran machine C (c for cute LOL ) where so nice they made her a little certificate, and got her a monkey stuffed animal and a good luck coin, and a HUGE balloon that when you tap it it plays don't worry be happy.

I am so happy that this month is over. It has def. been a trying month for all of us. It has caught up to her physically. She has been much more tired then ever before, sometimes it was hard for her to eat certain foods, and this cold she has had for what like seems like forever now, is kicking her butt. I am really hoping that in a couple of weeks she will regain some energy.

Savanna has started some new meds for her Lyme disease. I think they are def. making her have some symptoms again. The poor kid woke up in the middle of the night last night with really bad leg pain. They said this might happen and that's actually a good thing because it means the new meds are working. It kills me when my kids are hurting. But she seems better today. She is such a little trooper to take her meds all the time. She even can swallow pills crazy at 4 there was no way i would swallow anything.

Ya know i ask myself everyday why do we have to have 2 kids that are sick! It truly doesn't seem fair. But I have come to the conclusion that maybe its because someone up there knows we love our kids enough to make sure we do everything we can to make them better!! NO MATTER what.

Things have been stressful here for me very emotional and feeling like I'm pulled in 10 dif directions. Not sure if its pregnancy or just everything that is going on, but I feel like things are going to get better. radiation is over, summer is coming, savanna's b-day is coming, the baby will be born soon, camping season is upon us, warm sunny days. Yes things are looking up!!! Hopefully they will stay up.

Thank god for all my family and great friends. I don't know what i would do without all of you. Mike has made a webpage its check it out. My hubby is just so good at making webpages he rocks :) It has info on the fundraisers that are going on for Kylie ( there are so many wonderful people are helping to plan such great events to support Kylie)

Friday, May 13, 2011

Only one more week to go!!!

Three weeks of radiation down!!! Only 1 more week to go, thank god its almost over!!!!

Kylie has been amazing through all of this. So glad that this part of our journey will be over soon. really hoping that once this is over she will regain some energy.

They have been doing a fundraiser at Kylies school for St. Judes children's hospital. There was a flyer sent home saying that if the school raised $2000 the principle Mr H would shave his head. Well today the total raised was $4000 so he actually shaved his head :) I think that's awesome. Not sure if he really thought they would raise that much but he did it. I have to say her school has been great through all of this.

It truly amazes me how generous people are. The kids in Kylies class are all wearing hats and bandannas to show there support. One of Kylies friends moms is throwing an amazing fundraiser for Kylie this summer. I still can't believe that she wants to do that to help our family I am utterly speechless about this!! It will be unbelievable. I truly don't know how I will ever repay everyone who has helped us out!!!!

Savanna is hanging in there, she has been a little more moody then normal not sure if she feels left out or what but i notice she is a little extra clingy :( Poor kid.

Its so hard to balance everything! Trying to be strong for Kylie and making sure everything is good for her and she is healthy. Trying to make sure Savanna is still getting lots of attention from everyone too!!!! And also trying to get ready for this baby.

I have had people say that they can't believe how I've held it together and they are worried about me falling apart. trust me i wish I could but I have way to much on my plate to drop the ball now! I need to be everything to everybody. Now don't' get me wrong I am not complaining that's what it is to be a mom and a wife you HAVE to be there there is no choice. I don't need a pat on the back or acknowledgement I just need to get through this!!!! But man let me tell you I will need one hell of a vacation when this is all over :)

I am getting excited for camping season! Hoping we get to go away for memorial day for our first trip of the year. i love camping it is so relaxing and so nice to get away from it all and just enjoy nature and sit by a fire at night. Can't wait we need to do some normal things and enjoy just being together. All of this really makes you see what is important in life!!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

scatter brain!

Today is one of those days. you know the kind I mean the ones where everything gets on your nerves.

One of those days where you have a million things running through your head and you feel like there aren't enough hours in the day!!!!!!

It wasn't a bad day even, Kylie had chemo and radiation today that went ok. She hasn't felt too good the past week. She caught a cold and its been kicking her ass. She got a good nights sleep last night unlike the night before where she was up all night coughing. So of course i was up all night too. When your kid isn't feeling well you are up worrying and checking and rechecking on them. She def. had a lot more energy today and didn't look to tired or worn out. I have to say it is really hard to see her look so tired :( It breaks my heart.

After treatments we went to a wig store. We have ordered her a human hair wig. it should look close to her real hair. I think Kylie is excited but more relieved that she will have one to wear. She was funny in the store trying on all dif wigs. She thought the long blond one was really funny!! And let me tell you I DO NOT look good as a blond LOL. I'm just glad that she could have a good time with it.

I feel like there is so much to do and not enough time to do it. I need to do more laundry! It is the never ending chore! No matter how much you do it there is always more!! I am trying real hard to keep up with the house cleaning, but once we get home for the day I am tired! I mean you wouldn't walk in my house and be like ewww gross her house is nasty but I really wish I could organize more!

Maybe its early nesting but I also feel like there are so many things I need to do to get ready for this baby. We have nothing besides a swing, a crib with no mattress and a bunch of clothes. I need to get my butt in gear I know i have about 13 weeks till he comes but I don't want to wait to long.

Kylie only has 8 more radiation treatments left YAY!!!!!!!!!!! I am hoping after that she will regain some energy and i won't be so worried about her all the time and i can get more stuff done.
Uggg its exhausting worrying about Kylie and the baby and still trying to be as normal as possible for Savanna!

See I told you too many things going on in my brain i am jumping from one thing to another. Oh well that's me lately total pregnancy brain LOL.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

radiation just about half done :)

Well tomorrow after her radiation treatment she will be half way done! We all can't wait to be done with this part. Not only does it break my heart everyday when I see her on that table, but its exhausting driving back and forth to the hospital. We get to valet the car right outside the door so that's nice when everything is running in time we are in and out and back in our car in 35 min. But its still a lot as you can imagine.

Kylie has been going to school during radiation as much as possible. Its starting to take a tole on her. She is just tired yesterday the school called and told me that Kylie was in the nurses office that she was really sleepy. So I went and picked her up it seems to me that by 1pm she needs to rest, so that's the plan I will pick her up everyday at 1pm so that she can come home and rest for a while before her treatment. Mike has been able to go back to work this week after taking the first week of treatments off, but he has managed to still come to most of the apt. with us. Kylie def. likes having all of us with her.

Last week when we were at Dr. Joes (where we go to get her chemo) they gave us a monkey!!

A monkey what am i talking about? I asked the same question to the nurse when she mentioned it to me. It is a stuffed money ( a big stuffed monkey) He is part of a program called " A monkey in my chair" this monkey goes to school and sits in her chair when she isn't there. The monkey which she named Coco puff goes with her class to PE, art, music, everything. He has his very own bag that the kids can make pictures, or cards to send home to Kylie. I think this is an AWSOME program the kids love it!!! He also came with a story book that explains to the class why the money is in her chair. Really cute book. There is also a little monkey that stays with Kylie that she named Coco pebbles. Things like this help make what is happening not as scary! I think its fantastic!!!!

So that's that! Kylie is still being a trooper and we are just trying to keep up with her!

Savanna is doing good, going to school and playing with her friends. She is really cute!! Funny little story

Mike had said to Kylie that if he had to cut his arm off for her he would. So I guess Kylie was asking savanna if she would give her arm to her. Which of course Savanna said No way!! LOL. Savanna then came out of the room telling Mike "daddy Kylie keeps asking me to give her my arm I don't want to" LOL I laughed so hard when I heard this story!! Poor kid doesn't get that she doesn't really want her arm! They are def. still asking normal they fight ALL the time!! I can only imagine when there is a boy in the mix!

My belly is getting big i am def. feeling more tired trying to keep up with everything, driving to apt, cleaning, laundry all that fun stuff. I have to say we have some fabulous friends!! All month that Kylie is receiving radiation people have volunteered to bring us dinner! It is wonderful to not have to cook after a long day. So thank you guys I don't how I can ever repay you!.

Another thing friends are now doing is selling gold ( ribbon color for childhood cancer) bracelets that say "courage for Kylie" this is a fundraiser to help pay the crazy medical bills. There has been such an unbelievable amount of people who have shown an interest in buying them! Its amazing how big peoples hearts are!!

Check out this link to see more!! Well I'm off to try to clean some of the house before we leave to get Savanna then off to treatment then off to the circus tonight YAY :)

Just want to say HAPPY MOTHERS DAY to all you wonderful mommies out there. Enjoy your day this Sunday. I know I will cherish my day with my girls :)


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