
Sunday, March 13, 2011

In One day your whole life can change!!!!!!!!!!

Well its been awhile since i last posted. Things were going good, we made it through the holidays and cold winter months! We even found out that baby #3 is on the way. Due to come at the beginning of August!!

So everything is going good and SLAM you find out the WORST possible news you have ever heard!!!

It all started when my daughter woke up with a sore throat. Check her throat and her tonsils are so swollen they are touching. So no school and off to the pedi we went. Didn't do anything but refer us to an Ears Nose and throat dr. Got an apt. for the following week.

Go to the ENT and they give her antibiotics and steroids to shrink the tonsils. Also said that her tonsils need to come out but they need to shrink before they can. Take the meds and she feels fine! But her voice sounds funny like she has marbles in her throat. Go back to the Dr. the following Monday they check her throat and have to put a tube down her throat to check because her tonsils are not swollen anymore. She says she sees something in her throat that doesn't belong there and will need to be taken out. What????? Are you kidding me I thought it was just tonsils. So we got referred to a pediatric specialist ENT. Set up an appointment for later that same day. So off we go again to another dr. He took one look and said ok I'm in the operating room this Wed. we'll set it all up. Ok so fast.... So now all i can think is this is bad!! I ask do you think it could be cancer (the dreaded C word!!) He says i just don't know until we get in there and see what we are dealing with. If I can take it all I will if not we'll do a biopsy. My heart dropped!!! There is no way it could be anything its got to just be some kind of growth and they will remove it and we'll be fine! So we go home (me in tears) and try to be calm! Yeah right! Poor Kylie was a nervous wreak for those 2 days before surgery. She was just so scared to go to the hospital!!
We went for surgery and she was fine once we got to the hospital and everyone was super nice to her!!!!!! Yale is a great hospital, they made her feel so comfortable! Surgery lasted about 35 minutes and she woke up from anesthesia great! We were so happy it went well. That was until the Dr. came to talk to us. He sat down next to me and said well everything went good but its not good news. Well that was it i don't really remember to much after that. Just crying uncontrollable!!!!!! He told us that a friend of his a pediatric oncologist was going to come down to talk to us. ( In my head i remember saying a what why??) I just couldn't comprehend it! Well we met Dr. Joe (he is fantastic!!!!!) He said he took a look at the biopsy and thinks he knows what it is and that he wants to see us in his office on Friday. The next couple of days were a blur. My mom and sister came to stay with us for a couple of days. I was pretty much useless, every time i looked at my baby girl I cried.
How could this possibly be happening to us! Why did it happen to her. Its not fair!!!!! Lots of emotions in a couple of days!!! But through it all Kylie was upbeat and was healing great from surgery. She just didn't get why everyone was so upset!!
Well enough for now I'll post the rest of this nightmare tomorrow i just need to go to bed!


Cristina said...

you know my heart breaks every time I think about Kylie, but you guys will get through this :)
I hope that writing this down will help.

Kelly said...

I hope writing will help me get it all out too. And this way I don't have to keep repeating myself 10 times a day :)

Anonymous said...

Oh Kel, I'm so sorry to hear this!!! I had no idea! I know it probably feels like your world is falling apart suddenly but trust me when I say you will find this inner strength that you never knew you had! Every time I looked at AJ I would ball my eyes out (I still do occasionally) but if you keep the faith and (try to) keep your spirits up, this whole nightmare will get a lot easier to deal with! I'll be praying for you all and if you need anything, please don't hesitate! XOXO

Anonymous said...
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CSJ said...

Aww Kelly, sending you lots of hugs. Will be keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers. I understand the emotions your going through. Went through them all with Joshua not to long ago. I hope that writing this blog will help you through this.

michelez said...

Kelly, I'm so glad you're doing this blog. You are all in our prayers. Please let us know if there's anything we can do, anytime.
And congratulations on baby #3! What a wonderful blessing.

Anonymous said...

Thought about you and Kylie this morning. I hope the first treatment went well. Sometimes not knowing what to expect can be the hardest part. Lots of love to the little girl and lots of strength and light to you and Mike.

Mayla said...

I worked with your wonderful husband at TJs. Just going thru FB and so sorry I did not know what you and your famiy was going through. I love your postings. You are so strong and dont even know it. I will be keeping your beautiful daughter and family in my daily prayers and plan on lighting a candle for you after Sunday Mass.
Please keep posting and keep us updated.
Love to you and your family!


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