
Thursday, July 15, 2010

I am actually scared!!

My daughter came home from camp yesterday upset, it just didn't go her way she forgot her T-shirt to tye dye, she forgot her stuffed animal, and she didn't know the games all the other girls were playing.

These games I am talking about are those rhyming clapping games like Miss Mary Mack. Now she has never shown an interest in these before today, but one thing you need to know about my girl is that she is a perfectionist and wants to do everything right the first time she does something!! She was really upset that all the girls were playing and she couldn't because she didn't know how. I was surprised that this bothered her so much, usually stuff like this doesn't even phase her she is always like whatever. So last night I went on youtube to learn these songs and the motions and we practiced for over an hour! She can now do them (somewhat) she was very excited to go today to show the girls she could do it. I am apprehensive of this because I know how mean little girls can be. I hope they don't just blow her off because to them its not a big deal, after she worked so hard to learn so she could show them.

Me and a friend of mine were just talking about girls growing up nowadays. I feel like it is a lot harder now then it was when I was growing up. I feel like society wants them to grow up so much faster then they need to. The clothes they sell, the shows on TV, the music they want to listen to, the Internet, its all to much!! I want her to be my little girl still. Don't get me wrong she is but in a few years I am actually scared of what I will be dealing with.

Kids can be mean so much easier now. Its sounds crazy but true, the Internet gives these kids a lot of ways to let their opinions be known. From facebook to myspace to oovoo and formspring (these last 2 I really have no idea what they are but a friend of mine was telling me about them that her 12 year old is always on them) they can chat, video chat, leave anonymous comments about each other, and post pictures of god knows what for the whole world to see. I know there are ways to help your kids be safe on the Internet but you CANNOT watch them every second.
Also the kids figure out ways around the computer.

Worst of all is that this is only 1 of MANY things to worry about as they grow up!! From drama between girls, and boyfriends, and drugs, and sex, and school, and teaching your kids good morals, it is never ending!!! Oh man I better enjoy them while they are little and while they still want to play clapping games with me!!!

And guess what I have 2 girls I am SOOOOO screwed!!!!!!!!!!

So I am going to go play ponies with my little one before I find out how my older daughter made out at camp!


Cristina said...

the great thing about a 7 year old? you still have control over what she does. ;)

Kelly said...

yeah for now! I just can't imagine the crazyness of the teenage years, I think I'll need lots of wine LOL


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