
Wednesday, July 7, 2010


Today we finally didn't do anything!! Lately we have been super busy.
I'm not complaining or anything we have done some really fun things this past week.

We went to the beach, to a friends to swim, to see fireworks, a big parade, on a friends boat!!!!! My kids are exhausted (who am i kidding I 'm the one that is tired). But it has been really nice to spend time with all the people that I love.
I realized that I have a great family that I wish I got to see more, but I am also very grateful for the friends that I have made here <3 I am truly blessed!

On a totally different subject, I have been wanting to get pregnant again for awhile, but just recently I have been thinking maybe we should not have another baby. My kids are finally getting to ages that we can go do a lot more with them we can just pick up and go . I would really LOVE to travel! I hope someday that I can show my kids the world. If I had another baby it would be that much longer before we could that. But who knows I will probably change my mind tomorrow and want another. who knows!! Anyways I just feel very lucky to have the life that I do.

So here's a question if you could travel to anywhere in the world where would you go?

here's my top 5
1. Italy
2. Egypt
3. Tahiti
4. Australia
5. Portugal

Sorry this post was so random I think the heat is getting to me and my brain is just jumping all over the place.

1 comment:

Cristina said...

doing nothing is one of my favorite things to do

here's my top ones

Back to Bali

oh boy... honestly if I could just everywhere I would be VERY happy


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